Rich Baked Custard
Yummmm! A sugar free treat that is soooo good! Top each custard with a couple of slices of banana and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Servings Prep Time
6servings 20minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
6servings 20minutes
Cook Time
  1. Bake at 350 degrees F.
  2. Put eggs, bananas, and coconut milk into a blender and blend.
  3. Place evenly into 6 single serving custard dishes.
  4. Top with cinnamon.
  5. Put about an inch of water in the bottom of a large rectangular baking pan and set the custard dishes in the water bath.
  6. Bake for 45 minutes.
  7. Allow the custard to cool in the water bath before refrigerating.